Sunday, December 10, 2023

Saturday, Sep 18, 2023 - Traveled to Denver then Beaver Creek

Jason and Theresa invited us to go with his family to Beaver Creek, Colorado to ski.  In 2017, we went to Banff, Canada to ski for few days, that was our last time to do any ski.  However, Talia was just 6 years old which was a little bit too young to ski.  This time she is 12 and she is determined to learn how to ski.

We leaved Houston on Saturday, November 18 in the afternoon, arrived Denver in the evening. Then picked the rental van and drove to Beaver Creek.  It is about 2 hours plus drive from Denver airport to Beaver Creek, however, the last hour of the driving, we encountered snow rain and the driving speed had to be reduced to 20- 30 miles/hour.  The snow rain came down pretty hard and it was difficult to even see the road.  Jason did a wonderful job of driving in that conditions and got us to Beaver Creek safely.  We got there later than we expected, but we were all safe.

Jason got us a nice condo in Park Hyatt which is a luxury suite with Ski-In/Ski-Out Access, Heated Pool, 5 Hot Tubs & many more nice setups.  For the whole trip, we finally got a taste of rich and famous style of high-end vacation.  It was truly nice, and thanks to Jason and Theresa for inviting us to join them.

Sunday, Sep 19, 2023 - Relax in Beaver Creek and then secured ski/snowboard equipment

Since the ski season for Beaver Creek started on Sep 21, 2023, we had to use Vail’s facility to enjoy our 1st couple of days.  Talia was planning to take ski lesson on the 1st day, therefore we booked our rental equipment in Lionshead Village, Vail which is just next to the ski lesson place and the gondola.

In the morning, we just wandering around the Beaver Creek Village and had a nice breakfast at Alpine and Antlers.  

When we walking around in the village, Both Talia and Maisie were enjoyed the snow very much.  For Maisie, this was the first time seeing this much of snow.

Then we drove to Vail to get our rental equipment.  Jason and Theresa decided to let Maisie to try it too.  And she got the cuties ski.

Monday, Sep 20, 2023 - Talia’s ski lesson and Maisie’s 1st try of the ski

After a nice breakfast, we all got dressed and bundled up for our 1st day of ski/snowboard.  It was earlier in the season, so there was only one green run and one blue run open.  Talia joined 7 others for the ski lesson, it was amazing that she got someone from Bellaire area in the same class. 
When we got on the gondola, it was fun and new for Maisie.  After we got up to the top,  Jason did his best to encourage her to try, however, Maisie did not like the stiffness of the ski boots.  She only tried a little bit, then she quitted. Then Jason had to take her down to the mountain via gondola and took her and Nai-nai back to the condo. 
Jason came back and tried the other trails in the Vail Village area which was longer than the trails in the Lionshead Village area. Tony stayed in the Lionshead Village area, ski the only green trail and watched Talia’s progress.  Talia was very concentrated to learn the ski and she made a tremendous effort to learn and try it.
At end of the day, Talia’s instructor make a special effort to talk to Jason and told him how well Talia did.  And he said Talia was now a level 2 skier. 

Tuesday, Sep 21, 2023 - And day of ski in Vail

Last night Jason helped Maisie to try the ski boots inside the condo to get used to them.  This morning, she was OK to try it.  Both Jason and Theresa were helping her to have some fun of doing it.  After a while, she was OK with riding the magic carpet and skiing downhill with holding her parent.  She did quite many times and was happy with it.  

Talia was the best student and she tried the magic carpet by her self and then was agreed to go with Tony to try the green run.  She was good as a level 2 skier.  She did has few falls while she made left turns.  After a couple of runs, then she built up the confidence and figured how to make the left turns without falling.  The last couple of runs before the lunch, she was already able to ski down the green run without falling.

After the lunch, Jason, Theresa and Talia went to Vail Village side to do more skiing/snowboarding.  Tony, Fei and Maisie went back to the condo in Beaver Creek to rest and play.

Wednesday, Sep 22, 2023, - 1st day ski in Beaver Creek

This is the opening day for the Beaver Creek ski resort.  The condo has the best Ski-in/Ski-out facility in the whole village.  There have a boots/shoes storage area next to the exit in downstair, ski/snowboard storage is just outside the door. After you get your ski/snowboard, the gondola is just next to the ski/snowboard storage area.  This is heavenly arrangement for skiers and snowboarders.

Fei and Maisie went up the mountain with us to play on the top of the mountain.  We all enjoyed the green run very much.  After a little while, Jason went to the blue run to try out. He liked it and did a couple more blue runs.

Talia did wonderful job trying to ski down the green run, and she did so many runs nicely and it did take too long for her to feel comfortable and just ski down by herself. Due to the nice Ski-in/Ski-out setup, we were able to have lunch in the condo.  After lunch, we all went down to participate as a judge for the Beaver Creek Ski Resort opening date cooky contest.  However, there were too many people and we just left and went back to the slope.

In the afternoon, Talia did a wonderful job skiing.  To this point, she just leaded the way and we all just followed her down to the slope.  

Maisie went down the mountain with Fei and has a wonderful time playing in the playground nearby the condo.

Tonight we went to an earlier Thanksgiving dinner to avoid the crowd.  We went to Golden Eagle Inn had a nice dinner.   

Thursday, Sep 23, 2023 - 2nd day ski in Beaver Creek

We all got up earlier and went to start our last day of ski in 2023.  Talia did a wonderful job by leading the way to ski ahead of us.  From time to time, we had really trying to catch up with her.  She did a whole days with many runs and zero fall.  We believed she could be in level 4 now.

We had lunch at the condo and then come out in the afternoon again.  We did more runs all the way till closing time at 4pm.  Then we just returned the rental equipment at Epic Sport in Beaver Creek (instead of driving back to Vail).  The Epic Passes Jason got for us were really a good deal and provided all kinds of conveniences and discounts. 

Fei and Maisie were enjoying the playground and the village.  

Tonight, Theresa made another wonderful dinner for all of us to celebrate the Thanksgiving.

Friday, Sep 24, 2023 - Relax and shopping day in Beaver Creek

In the morning, we just wandering around the village to do some shopping.  Jason found out that they were providing the first 1000 customers free ice skating at the ice rink.  So, they all tried to do a little bit of ice skating.  Maisie did try, but just long enough to have a photo.  

It was a relaxing and enjoyable day for all of us.  Jason’s family even got a photo with Santa.  

Due to the snowing condition near Denver area, and our flight were at early morning, we decided to drive to Denver and stayed in a hotel close by the airport to avoid any issue.  We checked in Hyatt House Denver Airport and learned that they do provide shuttle service to airport, therefore Jason decided to return the rental car after our dinner.

Theresa found a nearby Vietnamese restaurant Pho 92 DIA for our dinner.  It was packed and the pho was good. 

Saturday, Sep 25, 2023 - Flew back to Houston

We got up early and had breakfast at Hyatt House, then got the shuttle to Denver airport.  Return flight was smooth and both kids were enjoyed watching their favorite shows on iPad.  

It was an enjoyable trip for all of us.  The major accomplishment is that Talia is a formal skier now (somewhere around level 4).