Sunday, December 10, 2023

Tuesday, Sep 21, 2023 - And day of ski in Vail

Last night Jason helped Maisie to try the ski boots inside the condo to get used to them.  This morning, she was OK to try it.  Both Jason and Theresa were helping her to have some fun of doing it.  After a while, she was OK with riding the magic carpet and skiing downhill with holding her parent.  She did quite many times and was happy with it.  

Talia was the best student and she tried the magic carpet by her self and then was agreed to go with Tony to try the green run.  She was good as a level 2 skier.  She did has few falls while she made left turns.  After a couple of runs, then she built up the confidence and figured how to make the left turns without falling.  The last couple of runs before the lunch, she was already able to ski down the green run without falling.

After the lunch, Jason, Theresa and Talia went to Vail Village side to do more skiing/snowboarding.  Tony, Fei and Maisie went back to the condo in Beaver Creek to rest and play.

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