Sunday, December 10, 2023

Monday, Sep 20, 2023 - Talia’s ski lesson and Maisie’s 1st try of the ski

After a nice breakfast, we all got dressed and bundled up for our 1st day of ski/snowboard.  It was earlier in the season, so there was only one green run and one blue run open.  Talia joined 7 others for the ski lesson, it was amazing that she got someone from Bellaire area in the same class. 
When we got on the gondola, it was fun and new for Maisie.  After we got up to the top,  Jason did his best to encourage her to try, however, Maisie did not like the stiffness of the ski boots.  She only tried a little bit, then she quitted. Then Jason had to take her down to the mountain via gondola and took her and Nai-nai back to the condo. 
Jason came back and tried the other trails in the Vail Village area which was longer than the trails in the Lionshead Village area. Tony stayed in the Lionshead Village area, ski the only green trail and watched Talia’s progress.  Talia was very concentrated to learn the ski and she made a tremendous effort to learn and try it.
At end of the day, Talia’s instructor make a special effort to talk to Jason and told him how well Talia did.  And he said Talia was now a level 2 skier. 

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